The wording you use in your resume is important because it helps to showcase your skills and experience in the best possible light. Here are some tips for deciding on the wording to use in your resume:

1. Use specific language: Instead of using vague or general terms, use specific language to describe your skills and experience. This will help to give the reader a better understanding of what you have to offer and will make your resume more engaging.

2.Use action verbs: Action verbs help to make your resume more dynamic and engaging. Examples include “developed,” “designed,” “implemented,” and “managed.” Use action verbs to describe your skills and experience in a way that is active and compelling.

3. Use industry-specific language: If you’re in a specific industry, make sure to use industry-specific language and terminology in your resume. This will help to show that you have a deep understanding of your field and will make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

4. Use keywords: Keywords are specific words or phrases that are used to describe skills and experience in a particular industry. Make sure to use keywords in your resume to make it more searchable and to highlight your qualifications.

5. Use numbers: Using numbers to quantify your skills and experience can help to make your resume more impactful. For example, instead of saying “managed a team,” you could say “managed a team of 10 people.”

6. Use positive language: Use positive language to describe your skills and experience. This will help to make your resume more upbeat and will give the reader a more positive impression of you.

7. Avoid jargon: Avoid using jargon or technical terms that the reader may not understand. This can be confusing and will take away from the effectiveness of your resume.

8. Keep it concise: Use short, clear sentences and bullet points to make your resume easy to read and understand. Avoid using long, complicated sentences or paragraphs, as they can be hard to follow.

9. Proofread: Make sure to proofread your resume for spelling and grammar errors. A resume with errors can be a red flag to potential employers, so it’s important to double-check your work.

In conclusion, the wording you use in your resume is important because it helps to showcase your skills and experience in the best possible light. By using specific language, action verbs, industry-specific language, keywords, numbers, positive language, and avoiding jargon, you can create a resume that is engaging and effective.

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